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Finding Paraben Free Skin Care Products

These days it's not difficult to find paraben free skin care products. Although most conventional body care contains these chemicals as preservatives, even mainstream manufacturers are responding to new safety concerns by eliminating this class of chemicals from their ingredients. Many consumers don't know what parabens are and have no idea why they might want to avoid them. The safety or danger of using this class of chemical compound is a subject for much debate today.

Parabens are mostly man-made compounds that are used in conventional body care topicals, many pharmaceuticals, and processed foods. They are added to these products as preservatives, since they have antibacterial and antifungal effects. They are easy to produce and inexpensive, and they have a long record of use. Their safety record was not questioned until new analysis tools found traces of this class of chemical in cancerous tumors.

The debate between those who consider these chemicals safe for long term use and those who say they should be avoided is on-going. Many natural product lines want to avoid all man-made chemicals, and these manufacturers have decided not to wait for final conclusions to be drawn. Paraben-free is one of the claims most natural lines make on their labels.

Some think that, while a tiny amount might be acceptable, the use of the preservatives in so many things used daily causes a toxic overload. Parabens are used in shaving gels, shampoos, soaps, moisturizers, sunscreen, nail polish, makeup, and processed foods. They are often high on the list of ingredients, meaning that there is more than a trace amount in the formula.

Research into the safety of these chemicals have found that, in general, they are non-irritating and do not cause a reaction with continued use. However, there are many people who are allergic to anything with methy, ethyl, propyl, butyl, or heptyl in the name. Again, this is only a partial list of the many compounds in this class.

The discovery of chemical parabens in breast cancer tumors has caused many to question their safety. Manufacturers point to the fact that they have been used as preservatives for decades without discernible ill effects, while others cite more and more evidence that they might disrupt normal hormone levels in women, being weak estrogen mimics, and cause reproductive health problems like low testosterone and sperm production in men.

Chemical substitutes for parabens are not necessarily safer. After all, it might take years for the body to accumulate discernible and harmful levels of any chemical in tissues. Those who prefer to use only natural ingredients are turning to essential oils, like tea tree or rosemary, and vitamins like E to preserve products that sit on store and bathroom shelves. Some question the efficacy of the natural alternatives, and some consumers have allergic reactions or sensitivities to even natural things.

Many people prefer to err on the side of safety by choosing paraben free skin care products. It is still important to know what is in the products you put on your skin, which readily absorbs many natural and synthetic substances.

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