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Get Out Into The Sun And Be Healthier As A Result

Much has been made in recent years of the damage which over exposure to sunlight can cause to the human body. The sun has been held responsible, with good reason, for conditions such as skin cancer, and too much sun can also cause the skin to age more quickly than it should. There is a balance to be struck though, and the sun can also do the human body a tremendous amount of good.

A key benefit of spending time in the sun is that it allows the body to produce the Vitamin D that it requires naturally. Conditions such as rickets are caused by having too little of this vitamin. Some cancers, as well as respiratory conditions like asthma, have also been linked to having too little Vitamin D in the body.

The light from the sun is especially important for the body's natural production of Vitamin D3. The natural cholesterol in skin works with the sun's UVB rays to help out liver and kidneys produce this vitamin. Unless the skin is exposed to direct sunlight, this process will be severely impaired, with many possibly negative consequences.

This means that taking a balanced approach to being in the sun can be very good for you. If you aim to be out for between a quarter and a half of an hour for four days a week, then you will be getting about as much as you need. Exposure to sun through glass does not have the same effect, because the glass blocks UVB rays.

It is also impossible to get too much Vitamin D, as the body has a natural defence mechanism, which will start to work when enough of the vitamin is present for the body's needs. For the full positive effect of the sun's rays, do not wash the skin with soap immediately after coming in from being out in the sun. The soap will destroy the natural oils which are necessary for the production of Vitamin D.

Recent research from Edinburgh University also suggests that the health benefits of spending time in the sun may well outweigh the risks of contracting skin cancers. This research suggests that the rays from the sun can help to cut high blood pressure, as well as reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. This has a significant impact on potential life length for many people.

The study found that the UV rays present in the light of the sun released Nitric Oxide. This compound could well work to reduce blood pressure, and therefore help with a host of conditions. According to figures from the BBC, stroke and heart disease kill up to eighty times more people in the United Kingdom than skin cancer does.

So make sure that you get yourself out in the sun at least a few times a week this summer. It can help in at least two major way with your health. Speak to a medical professional if you have any problems with exposure to sunlight, or a more specific condition.

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