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The Truth About Anaphylaxis And The Epipen Carrier Connection

Allergies are forms of a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. It plays a major role in some pulmonary conditions such as asthma. A reaction is caused by close contact with a trigger agent or an allergen. These reactions can be mild to severely alarming in effects, and can even be potentially fatal, as with the case of anaphylaxis. This is why most allergic people watch what they eat and always keep an epipen carrier at hand for when these breakouts might occur.

Sometimes, the antibodies can get confused. It can attack the healthy cells of the body, which results in a condition called autoimmunity. Sometimes it will also consider the harmless environmental agents around you as a harmful one, which is why allergies occur. An allergy is the hypersensitivity of your immune system that can trigger a range of reactions from the mild to the most serious that will required the need for an epipen carrier at all times.

There are actually many forms of this immunity hypersensitivity. These can be caused by commonplace objects and things that are found almost everywhere. One such type is the pollen allergy. This explains why some people lapse into incessant sneezing when they are made to inhale the fresh odor of flowers. This type is more commonly known as hay fever or seasonal allergies.

Those who are allergic to dust mites now have a valid reason to be exempted from house cleaning. Dust mites are very tiny organisms that live in the dust that a not so tidy home usually accumulates. Unlike seasonal triggers such as the case of the pollen variety, this occurs the entire year round. One can place dust mite covers over mattresses, pillows, and other stuff to prevent the onset of reactions.

People who develop a rash or any reaction when exposed to damp areas may have a mold allergy. These are parasitic and microscopic fungi that float in the air, just like pollen. They thrive in areas such as the bathroom, the basement, in grass, piles of leaves and hay. They bear more or less the same symptoms such as the first two.

Food allergy is perhaps the most common type. It is often brought about by trigger foods such as milk, shellfish, nuts, fish, wheat and eggs. The reaction usually occurs within minutes after consumption. The best way to avoid this is not to consume the offending food, which is why it is important to ask guests of any food allergies first before offering them anything.

Minor symptoms such as red eyes, itchiness and runny nose can be safely treated right at home. The patient should be given over the counter antihistamines and decongestant to relieve the airways and allow for better breathing. These medications generally come in the form of drops, tablets and nasal sprays.

This first aid method, however, will not work for anaphylaxis. This condition is the extreme and most severe allergic reaction that any sensitive person can have. Manifestations of the said condition include the appearance of hives and uncharacteristic swelling. The blood vessels will also dilate, which results in a certain drop in the pressure of the blood. The patient may even go into shock.

Epinephrine is often the first aid for this fatal reaction. Most patients often carry a shot of this substance with them at all times, generally in the form of a pen. EpiPens are life saving medications for allergic people. These pens are kept in colorful protective carriers as an added safety feature.

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